Layup Options
Squirt Kayak Layups
We believe that no matter which lay-up you choose for your new boat, standard or beefy, you should be able to paddle it with confidence. Our standard lay-ups are tough and durable, while remaining stiff and light; they will suit most any typical squirt application. If for any reason, you would like us to build a specific custom lay-up, we can discuss it and build a boat as per your requirement. See Lay-up Options Below for details.
We believe that no matter which lay-up you choose for your new boat, standard or beefy, you should be able to paddle it with confidence. Our standard lay-ups are tough and durable, while remaining stiff and light; they will suit most any typical squirt application. If for any reason, you would like us to build a specific custom lay-up, we can discuss it and build a boat as per your requirement. See Lay-up Options Below for details.
The standard lay up is plenty stiff and impact resistant for serious squirtboating. It is adequate for deep mysteries and most playspots.
- 6/8 – glass, polyester, kevlar construction
- glass and kevlar reinforcing
- epoxy based vinylester resin hull and deck
- glass and kevlar inside and outside seams with epoxy resin
- dynel tips
- glassed in cockpit rim
- bow and stern grab loop webbing
- foam seat and hip pads
- bow and stern walls
- float test included
For those paddlers that feel they need more than the standard lay up, the beefy lay up offers extra strength and stiffness with no additional weight added.
- 6/8- glass, polyester, carbon/kevlar construction
- glass and carbon/kevlar reinforcing
- epoxy based vinylester resin deck and hull
- beefed up glass and kevlar inside and outside seams with epoxy resin
- plus all the features of the standard boat
- Custom Graphics – custom graphics do not have to put you over your budget to be cool looking and effective. Only if they are labor intensive, where a lot of taping, masking and pattern preparation is required, do we charge extra for their creation.
- Vacuum Bagging
- U Bolt Installation
- Customer specific lay up, if required
Please contact us for more information and a quote.